Monday, October 23, 2006

Dan & Ann's Yard

Confederate Roses in the Front Yard
Tried to get a picture of the Hummingbirds, but they were to fast for me

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Busy Weekend

We have had a very busy weekend. Saturday morning Dan & I took our three precious grandchildren to the Global Wildlife safari. The kids loved it. We rode around in a wagon and were able to feed the animals as they would come right up to us and stick out their tongue. We had brought Caleb's little sippy cup and Alexia had a coke from McD's and Austin had a bottle coke. Well Caleb want Aleixa drink because it had a straw. So Alexia said he could have it. We didn't realize what coke will do to a two year old. Within two minutes he was going wild on us. At first I didn't realize what it was, then Dan said I think it is the coke that we gave him. So for the next hour on the wagon we were trying to keep Caleb from jumping off the wagon to go play with the animals. But he wasn't the only wild child there, we picked the wagon with two other wild boys. (One was a RED HEAD) But over all it was a great time with the grandkids. Then afterwards we were all hungry so we went into the town and Dan & Austin spotted a "Kentucky Fried Chicken" sign and they both had wanted to try out this new thing that has mashed potatoes with gravy, fried chicken and cheese on it. So anyway we went into the place and so I ordered some Chicken also. So we ate, then Caleb was very quite for a few minutes, then we smelt something. Thank goodness no one else was in the place, because it was not a good smell. If you know what I mean. It was an all day event. So we dropped Austin & Alexia off at their home and call Chad and they were at our home working on his 4-Wheeler. (He is going out with the "boys" when we go to Natchez). All I wanted to do was to come home, take a bath, and rest for the rest of the night. So after they left I was getting ready to take a bath and got a phone call from Dan's parents and said they were coming over Sunday. So I got into gear again, sent Dan to Walmart for fixing for Jamabala and Potato Salad. Got up early this morning and started cooking for everyone. So today we had the whole family over for dinner. It was so good to see Dan's Mom & Dad to be able to come over. His Dad is getting really weak, and needs help getting up & down out of a chair. Michelle ( his Sister) is really helping out a lot now. It is so nice to see her & Dan together. After dinner we took them over to see Angie's home and then to Chad's home. So now it is 9:00 Sunday night and here I am blogging instead of relaxing in my chair. So anyway, this is my weekend. Very busy, but I love when we have "Family Time"

Monday, October 09, 2006

Friday Night at Chili's

Friday was my second week at my new job working at a Lawyer's Office. I had told Angie earlier in the week that we would all try to get together this weekend and go out to eat. Well, Friday after work, I went and had a massage ( It was so good, but not as good as Amanda), so on the way home I tried to call Angie at home, on her cell - no answer. I tried to call Chad at home, his cell, Stacy cell - no answer. So when I got home Dan & I started working out in the yard. Then I got the CALL - "Where are going tonight?" Well I wasn't in the mood to go by then, because it makes me mad when no one answers their phones and I was already in my yard working and watering my plants. So anyway to make a long story longer I told them to hurry up and get to Chili's before it got to crowded. So needless to say Dan & I got there first. So they said we had about a 30 minute wait. That wasn't to bad, we thought. So about 30 minutes later, they ask if we wanted to split up. Well what is the use of us all going out together if we can't sit together. So we had another 30 minute wait. But, it was a beautiful evening outside, the weather was beautiful and we enjoyed talking and picking at each other. Sean kept picking at me and it was making Angie mad. So she went to sit on another bench. Then she wanted to know what we were talking about. So we finally got to go inside and eat. They had two for one drinks, so Chad & Sean enjoyed a couple of drinks. Dan ordered a Root Beer - and it was a bottle, so no refills for him. Angie & I drink water and split our meal, so that we would not eat to much. Caleb & Alexia are jealous of each other. When Caleb came over to sit in my lap, Lexi had to get on the other leg. Well Caleb started pushing her away!!! He did not want to share me with her, it was really funny to see them fight over me. (I loved it) But anyway, we really had a great time. And of course afterwards Dan & I had to go to Walmart. So Lexi & Caleb both wanted ride with PaPa & BooBoo. So all in all it was a good Friday night! It is always fun when we all get together.