Sunday, March 11, 2007

Great Weekend

We had a Great Weekend!! First Saturday Morning we went to Alexia's soccer game, then we had plan to come home and work in the yard all day. But instead, we met our old friends, Bob & Ginny Parrolli at the soccoer field. They were leaving but stayed and talked with us and then watched Alexia play. So after Alexia's game they wanted to come over and see what we had done to our dining area. Then we decided to go eat lunch, so we went in to Denham and had a great hamburger (a real one), then we set and talked forever about our kids and grandkids, so around 2:30pm we thought about going to the movies, so we went to see "Wild Hogs", it was pretty good. After we dropped them off back at the Soccer field we went to see what Angie & Sean had done to Alexia's room. They had ripped out the carpet in her room and was painting the walls a beautiful blue, then they are going to paint the floor pink. So any way we had a great Saturday with our old friends.

Then today Dan & I went to Church, we had dinner at Church to celebrate our Pastor's 7th year anniversary. It was really a Great Service. Then we really wanted to come home an take a nap, but instead, I got on the riding mower and Dan put on his work clothes and we started cleaning the yard. Then a little later, Chad, Stacy & Caleb came over to visit, Caleb help us clean the yard and they rode on the 4-Wheeler for awhile. Now it Sunday Night and I need to get ready for MONDAY. It was a beautiful Weekend. Next Weekend is Dan's Dad 79th Birthday, so we are all planning on going to Rayne to celebrate with them.


  • At 2:53 PM, Blogger Donna said…

    We worked so hard Saturday, we were too tired to go out to eat Saturday night. We had planned to see "Wild Hogs" and eat out.
    Your yard is beautiful and so are you and family!

  • At 7:44 PM, Blogger Amber said…

    What a busy weekend! Isn't it fun to catch up with old friends...but exhausting! Love your pictures Aunt Ann!

  • At 8:51 PM, Blogger Kay said…

    Beautiful pics of family and yard. Aren't you glad it is finally spring?


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